In order to be able to use the CrowdEyes WebApp, you must sign up for a subscription. Get started by signing up for a free trial. Click the Get Started bottom in the upper right corner - follow the guidance.
CrowdEyes WebApp is developed to run in a browser (Google Chrome, Safari and Edge etc.) on a PC, a tablet or a mobile phone. We recommend you to use a tablet, because the screen size and the built-in camera let you use the web app most optimal.
The Dashboard
Announcement Management
Create an Announcement
Request Management
Approve or Reject a Request
To approve a request just Tab Approve. To reject it Tab Reject. I you Approve a request, the announcement is listed in Handout - Pending. If you Reject a request, it will be listed in Requests - Rejected
Handout Management
Using the Handout Manager, you ‘II be able to manage and control the critical process handing out items, which has been requested and approved, to the person considered to be the owner.
Approve or Reject a Request
Approve or Reject a Request To approve a request just Tab Approve. To reject it Tab Reject. I you Approve a request, the announcement is listed in Handout - Pending. If you Reject a request, it will be listed in Requests - Rejected
Handover Management
The Handover Manager is developed to make it easy to manage and control the proces when items has to be handed over to authorities according to regulations, charity organisations, other organizational units or simply sent to destruction.
In the admin section you can manage Venues and Users.